The Upper Fraser Valley Bylaw Adjudication System (the "System") is a partnership between seven local governments: City of Chilliwack, District of Kent, District of Hope, Village of Harrison Hot Springs, the Fraser Valley Regional District, City of Mission, and the Cultus Lake Park Board. The System is authorized by the Province of BC to operate as a municipal bylaw court for resolving disputes in bylaw enforcement matters for these seven local governments. Offences enforced through the System may have penalties imposed of not more than $500.00 for each offence.

While there is one combined system for all seven of the participating local governments, each maintains their own bylaws, penalties and policies with respect to compliance with the bylaws. The objective of the bylaw adjudication process is to obtain compliance with the bylaws - punishment is never the primary objective.

I have received a ticket? What are my options?
Where can I pay my ticket?
How do I dispute my ticket?
What happens when I dispute my ticket?
What is a Bylaw Adjudication Hearing?

I have received a Bylaw Offence Notice (ticket) - what are my options?

You have two options when you receive a ticket:

1. You can pay the penalty.

2. Dispute the ticket.

How can I pay my ticket?

You can pay your ticket using the following methods:

In Person

Pay in person with cash, cheque, Interac, money order or credit card at the following locations:

City of Chilliwack

8550 Young Road
Chilliwack, BC
V2P 8A4

District of Kent

7170 Cheam Avenue
Agassiz, BC
V0M 1A0

Fraser Valley Regional District

45950 Cheam Avenue
Chilliwack, BC
V2P 1N6

Village of Harrison Hot Springs

495 Hot Springs Road
Harrison Hot Springs, BC
V0M 1K0

District of Hope

325 Wallace Street
Hope, BC
V0X 1L0

City of Mission

8645 Stave Lake Street
Mission, BC
V2V 4L9

Cultus Lake Park

4165 Columbia Valley Highway
Cultus Lake, BC
V2R 5B5

By Mail

Cheque, or money order mailed to:

City of Chilliwack
8550 Young Road
Chilliwack,BC V2P 8A4

If paying by cheque or money order, please attach a copy of the ticket with your payment; and make it payable to the 'Upper Fraser Valley Bylaw Adjudication System'.

By Phone

Pay with a credit card by calling 604-793-2743 or 1-888-793-2744

Payment Terms

If the ticket is paid within 14 days, the penalty will be reduced.

If after 14 days the ticket is not paid and the ticket has not been disputed or an Adjudication Hearing has not been requested, the penalty will immediately become due and payable. After 14 days, the opportunity to dispute the ticket is lost.

If after 28 days, the ticket is not paid, a surcharge is added to the penalty.

If after 28 days, the ticket has not been paid, nor a request for an Adjudication Hearing made, a letter is sent providing a final opportunity to pay. If payment is still not received after a further 28 days, the ticket may be forwarded to our collection agent and/or court action taken.

How do I dispute my ticket?

A person who receives a Bylaw Offence Notice (ticket), must dispute their ticket within 14 days of the date on which they receive the ticket, or presumed to have received the ticket.

The following procedures outline how to dispute your ticket:

1. Complete the back of the ticket with your relevant contact information.

2. The ticket then must either be dropped off at the City of Chilliwack, located at 8550 Young Road, Chilliwack, BC, V2P 8A4; or, at one of the other participating local governments.

a. District of Kent - 7170 Cheam Avenue, Agassiz, BC, V0M 1A0

b. Fraser Valley Regional District - 45950 Cheam Avenue, Chilliwack, BC, V2P 1N6

c. Village of Harrison Hot Springs - 495 Hot Springs Road, Harrison Hot Springs, BC, V0M 1K0

d. District of Hope - 325 Wallace Street, Hope, BC, V0X 1L0

e. City of Mission - 8645 Stave Lake Street, Mission, BC, V2V 4L9

f. Cultus Lake Park - 4165 Columbia Valley Highway, Cultus Lake, BC, V2R 5B5

3. You can also dispute your ticket by fax:
Please fax both the front and the back of the ticket to 604-793-2715.

What happens when I dispute my ticket?

When you dispute your ticket, a report of the incident will be forwarded by the participating local government to the Screening Officer. The Screening Officer serves independently from the local governments in attempts to resolve disputes. When the Screening Officer has received the report, you will be contacted to present your side of the incident. It is at this time that the Screening Officer will seek to resolve the dispute with you.

When the Screening Officer contacts you, they will be seeking to discuss the following:

1. Information with respect to the incident that constituted a Bylaw Offence Notice (ticket).
2. The specific bylaw and its provision(s) that were allegedly contravened.
3. The facts on which the contravention allegation is based.
4. The fine for the infraction.
5. The opportunity to enter into a Compliance Agreement - to establish terms and conditions for compliance that the Screening Officer considers necessary or advisable, including time periods for payment, amendment of the notice or forgiving of the offence.
In situations where the Screening Officer is unsuccessful in resolving the dispute, a Bylaw Adjudication Hearing may be requested.

What is a Bylaw Adjudication Hearing?

A Bylaw Adjudication Hearing is similar to a court hearing that provides an opportunity for individuals have their disputed ticket heard by an independent Adjudicator. The Adjudicator is provided to the Bylaw Adjudication System by the Attorney Generals Office of the Province of BC. Adjudicators only have the authority to consider the offence on the basis of the evidence presented.

The Bylaw Adjudication System is designed so that representation from a lawyer is not necessary, but you may choose to have a lawyer present if you wish. Upon hearing the evidence, the Adjudicator will render a decision as to whether the offence did or did not take place. The Adjudicator is not at liberty to modify the offence or the penalty.

If the Adjudicator finds that the contravention did occur, a $25.00 Adjudication fee is added to the penalty, which becomes payable immediately.

If the Adjudicator renders a decision that the offence did not take place, the ticket and all associated charges are cancelled.

Contact Information:

If you like more information, please contact the Bylaw Adjudication System at 604-793-2743 or attend at the City of Chilliwack located at 8550 Young Road, Chilliwack, BC.